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every version of this game ive played i could never save and so i can never play for long with out restarting.


Downloadable version are easier:

To reuse your save, you must rename your newly downloaded file same as the one you saved your game, as well as putting it into the same directory of your previous file.  

It is more complicated to get web version's save to work for newer version. You have to find and replace new save by locating the path much like below:

Newgrounds save location (Firefox):
C:\Users\[user account name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[RANDOM LETTERS]\

Any chance of recovering a browser save in Chrome, post-update?  I have the downloaded version, but I originally started playing on here, and was quite a ways into the game.

really loving the game so far but i really wanna know what exactly gives my soldiers more experience? how do i level them up?

You can gain relationship points (RP) through bonding, missions or battle. Some moods offer more points so it requires a bit planning in v4.

hey nonoplayer really really great game ,

but can you make the queen nest by selected monsters and not randomly?

thank you, really great game 

when i get the money i am gonna donate you 650$, for only if you keep going and don't stop from improving this game.

Thank you mate. Queen's Nest is designed for more rapid breeding, so it has a downside. Bonding offers more control when needed. Give public v4 a try if you haven't ^^

Is the Queen's Nest fully removed from v4?  I liked the options of rapid/random breeding verses bonding.  Added to the sense of strategy.


Love the game, but it's a bit confusing on what I'm supposed to do. Also whenever I look up what I should be doing or where I'm supposed to go, there rarely is any information. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing right now. Currently I've gotten to the nursing Instict, not sure if I have it or if that's next, and I don't know how to start a battle, which I assume is how I progress through the game. Please if anyone knows how to help me, please do.

Sorry for the confusing UX/UI. Public v4 is out, I have simplified quite a bit. Give it a try if you haven't ^^

hey nonoplayer  i loved this game so much thank you for this lovely game ,btw i have 2 questions .....1)how  to reuse the file which i saved on v3 where will the swf save file be located at ?

2) where is the v4 can you please give me A link  thank you in advance .........pleaseeeeeeeeeee  create more games like this one 

(1 edit)

Public v4 is out, you can give it a try ^^ Though it is not compatible with old saves.

Newgrounds save location (Firefox):
C:\Users\[user account name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[RANDOM LETTERS]\
Newgrounds save location (Chrome):
C:\Users\[user account name]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash\WritableRoot\#SharedObjects\[RANDOM LETTERS]\\[RANDOM LETTERS]
itch save location (Firefox):
C:\Users\[user account name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[RANDOM LETTERS]\\itchio\upload2\game\[RANDOM LETTERS]

Local save location:
First narrow down the scope by going to this directory. **(See how to unhid AppData folder if you have it hidden:
C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[Random Number]\localhost

And then search with the save's name: TTv4_Save.sol

This path should simulate where you store your exe or swf. For example, if the exe or swf is placed on your Desktop, TTv4_Save.sol should be inside a folder call Desktop. Also exe and swf saves aren't compatible with each other.

Hello, I have a problem where after conquering all of the lads adjacent to the secret garden (the first available ones), the Queens Nest no longer works. It becomes completely unclickable. I've tried both the exe and the swf version, is this supposed to be like this, or is it a bug?

I think I figured it out. I lost Slime Eye, and after finding another, the Queens Nest was open again

Thanks for reporting back~ I also tested it, confirm functioning properly^^

Hi, I found this game on wetpussygames and wanted to come support the producer, so I paid and downloaded it here, but after the intro impregnation video, it doesn't go to the running home screen, and the only thing you can do is explore or rest, but explore doesn't allow you to select a place on the map. I am using windows 10 home, just updated the adobe flash player, and am using the 3_09.exe from this site. I saw that someone else had the same problem, but did not see the solution posted.

Thank you for your support mate. I believe it is fixed in v4, but thank you for reporting.

Hi, so I've noticed there is an issue with some of the bonding scenes in this version. One is the Beringarius, where the dialogue for the first encounter seems to continue on to the second encounter, to the point where when the scene transitions twice, it freezes on the first animation. The dialogue box disappears and I'm stuck looking at it with no way of skipping.

Here's a video of the glitch

The other bonding scene issue is Gritario; it keeps repeating the first encounter scenario every time I bond with 'em. =/


Thank you NioTech. They have been fixed in future versions.


the game is not saving


(1 edit)

If you use Chrome to play web version, there is a possibility it wasn't saved. By clicking a few more times I was able to save it somehow. I suspect Chrome has started to eliminate some shareobjects(save data) that Flash uses.

I strongly suggest downloading and playing the swf or exe versions above. Though be aware that the next public version(v4.00) would not be compatible with older saves.


I discovered this game a few days ago (from a PornHub compilation vid, of all things) and I've already given one friend carpal tunnel because she's been playing it non-stop since I shared it with my buds bahaha - Absolutely adore the art and animation style of the monsters, can't wait for more updates on the gameplay, two thumbs up!


Haha, good to know you are putting some mouse to work ^O^

Thank you mate.

Yo, Nonoplayer! Can I volunteer to help you translate the game to spanish? I'm Argentinian. Spanish is my native language and im fluent in english.
My Email is (dont laugh please. I'll get a new one sometime...)

(1 edit)

There is no plan for translation yet, as there will be 300+k words. I want to finish most core features before working on translation. But thank you for the offer!

Oh. Thanks for answering anyways! I'm definetly looking forward to updates. Loving this concept you've got! <3

Hey Nonoplayer, I'd like to feature you with an interview over at my site  If you are interested you can check it out and drop me an email that you can find in the contacts page.



Sure Alex, my pleasure ^^

how do you train for special items

You put a tentacle monster to train in certain territories for certain special items, and it takes time.

how do you  know which territories go with which monsters?

I don’t think the monster changes anything, I think only the territory changes the item received

so I am having an issue on v3_08 where the tenticles with the effect after 3 turns turns a enemy into an ally isnt working its effect wont work in 3 turns I saw it work once and it had been in more then 3 turns and didnt work again even with a army of them it never once worked even with 6 hearts

Okay thanks I will investigate.

er I've downloaded this game before, but when I switched phone and tried today, I can download both files but they don't seem to open? Thx in advanced

Not sure what phone you were using, but unfortunately the game doesn't support iOS nor Android yet.

For real? I know I've downloaded them game on mobile before, was on Android. Could it be because I was using puffin brswer to download? It's a adobeflashplayer brownser so it works like a computer, but the game was on a app. I might try that again. And keep up the work:)

(1 edit)

Thank you mate~ 

I heard puffin works, though I have never tested it.

I can download the files but they can't open unfortunately :( if I play via puffin will the game still be saved as I play? And btw is the app offline? I might try to play offline if I figure out a way to download a working version of the app.

I like the game very much!
One question: Is there a place where you can see which monsters are implemented yet? Just wondering if I did miss one or saw all available ;D

All available monsters are in the Tentacles Encyclopedia in the game, where it is not a question mark ^^

News about update? Does someone have performance issues with this!? Is it a bug or. . . THANKS for good game ! ❤️

I usually make post update on my Patreon page:

Thanks bro! <3

how do i get special items?

(1 edit)

Look down a few comments, there it is. But in case you are too lazy, use train on territories to obtain special items.

thank you :>

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Just tested it, it works on my pc. Did you move the exe file after saving? Tell me more details.

how do you move the file?

how do i expand the map?

Look at the menu thing on the bottom of the screen and click that circular eye thing, which leads you to a map you click the areas available and then you need the skill “conquer” to expand territory

where is skill "conquer"?

i only see "explore"

(1 edit)

You have to use Instinct to obtain more skillsets. I think Invade is the third/forth unlockable skillset.


How do you get to the bonding? I've unlocked it in the tree but I'm not seeing a button to press.

Its the 5th skill, have to use Train to obtain special items on conquered territories.

Nice game. Hoping for there soon to be a gallery feature.

I hear you.

Deleted 5 years ago

I think your version is either bugged or outdated, because after you get pregnant in the beginning you get back to the kingdom and then back to the first area, then you go to the house and then you come out and you get the instinct tree, which is where you get the skills from. Also, you don’t seem to have the eye-ish thing on the top center of the “actions area”, basically where explore is, and that’s how you conquer other areas. Watch other people’s videos to see the difference.

Thank you for recording the whole thing to me. Though the thing that happens at 0:44 is a bit strange, I am not able to replicate it. May I ask were you playing on Windows?

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The scene at 0:44s played normally, but the video was lagging because this computer can't record well.  I just skipped through the scene quickly.

OS is Win 8.1 Pro(edited) using Adobe Flash Player

(2 edits)

Okay thanks~ What version were you playing?

Do you plan to make and apk version of the game? 

I do but I can't give an exact date.


I got 18 teritories, and almost got all monster except pondou, and i dont know how to proceed, idk what i should do except hunt and breed. can someone give me advice? ty 

sorry bad english

You are basically done with the game so far.

ty for the reply. can i load my game after update? or i need to restart all over again?

I’m not sure about that, think it’s yes, but I don’t know how. I myself can’t load but I’m not very good with technology

Save/load work on downloaded versions. For web, it is possible, but you will have to replace new save with previous manually.

itch save location (Firefox):
C:\Users\[user account name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[RANDOM LETTERS]\\itchio\upload2\game\[RANDOM LETTERS]

can you show me how to expand the map

Hello nono.

First: Thak you for the game!

Once it is finished, i will buy it.

But i have a question: I conquered all the territories that are available and have the research for the first branch of the instinct tree done, but i have no idea how i shall unlock the other purple diamonds. The only hint is "Achieve enlightenment goals to learn new abilities." but i have no idea what does that mean.

I would be really thankful if you could help me out with this topic.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Other skillsets are not developed yet ^^

Ummm... I'm playing on mobile anddd... Why is the save not working?

where is apk setup?

There are no apk version yet.

Is it possible to expand more than 2 fields in one way...or not 

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What do you mean by two fields in one way? Do you mean conquest?

Only 18 territories are made. I plan to focus on more features and contents before expanding, as it should have given us some good idea how the game work.

Hey I saved the game but when I went to play it again I could not load it.

If you are on the .exe version, then save doesn’t work well. If you are on the .swf version, then save works well as long as there isn’t a new version. If you have a problem, be reminded that save is still a “Work In Progress” system

itch save location (Firefox):
C:\Users\[user account name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[RANDOM LETTERS]\\itchio\upload2\game\[RANDOM LETTERS]

Local save location:
First narrow down the scope by going to this directory. **(See how to unhid AppData folder if you have it hidden:
C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[Random Number]\localhost

(1 edit)

I cant seem to unlock the instinct tree. I have played through it for a little bit. I also have like 12 monsters. I cant do anything other than hunt and breed. I don't get any of things that I see other people getting. I have done what others have done and rested once I get to the hidden garden. The monster brings me the head of a slain enemy. But after that I cant do anything else other than mate, hunt, and explore. I cant attack or anything. I feel like I missed something and will feel really stupid once im told what I missed

follow the instinct tree, the hints are the information that pops up when you click the purple diamonds, when they are green that means you can unlock them. And as for why you can’t advance, that’s because you have nothing other than explore, hunting, etc, while others have nursing, bonding, invade, scouting, etc.

there isn't a purple dimond

HHAHAHAAHH  I told you once I found it I would be angry with my self lol. Thanks Man. Really enjoying the game even with that mestake on my part

guys pls help i just didnt decovered how u can umlock new world,and the secret gardens pls help (respect)pls

You have to get the instinct tree to the point where you unlock the skill “invade” and then use invade to attack new areas and if you are successful, you claim that part of the world. And as for the secret gardens I don’t understand what you mean.

tnx appreciated sorry bout my language just exited and when are you gonna be able to find secret gardens.

secret gardens is the area on the mountains to the very left of your screen in the starting place, you can find it right away, so I think you mean something else?

sorry for all my questions but i meant how explore or something else

you explore in an area by clicking the button “explore” on the center bottom of the screen and then click a location, and to get to other places you click that eye in the top of the thing at the bottom of the screen where “explore” is

First of all, I should note that I hardly will pass this game to the end. First of all it is animation. I just can not keep myself every time I see a new monster in the business or one of my favorite old ones.
The second reason is not so good - the mechanics are not very clear to me. What does RP do? Or how to get the level without ditching the monster? These are all the problems of "alpha" and I immediately see what the main focus was on (I cannot describe how divine animation is).
I found a bug in one of the previous versions - if you do not save the game until the second using the Queen's Lair, the game crashes. But otherwise, with the software part of the game, it's all right.

I admire the quality of your work even in such an early version. I have already said about animation, I also really like sound design (Lilith's moans and monster sounds merge into beautiful music). The style took the best of the Japanese and European tradition and the design of everything from monsters to Lilith’s dress (I don’t know whose idea is to make her pregnant belly sticking out through the cut, but this is brilliant) it's all so ingenious everywhere and grotesque where it is needed

To summarize: it remains to tighten the igromechanical part and it will be just perfect


I like the game so far but... GOD DAMN! I know its an alpha and I kinda figured out most of it, but for the love of god improve upon the combat system and the info- system. Nursing is broken- it doesnt give RP... The random chance for a monster to get +40 or -40 injured is fucking bullshit. Actions take too much stamina. Why tf do monsters come back hurt from exploring?! Why should I select a monster for exploring when its most likely gonna get injured for nothing... The mechanics arent making any sense so far and arent explained. How tf does the queens lair work? Why are monsters so weak even if you grind them to lvl 5, why dont their abilities do jack shit 90% of the time. The skills/Instinct makes no sense, its not explained at all how to unlock them etc etc....

Other than that, love the game lol. Im just guessing this is all like this cuz its an alpha, but god damn if you ever finish this properly it will be glorious!

(1 edit)

What do I do when my monster is injured?

Edit: I figured it out, you need the nursing skill

but another question, is there only one path for the instinct tree? Or more? If more then how do I get more?

(2 edits)

Only 1 path for the first 8 skills, though different skills are assigned depending on your playstyle. After that you can choose any skills to unlock, but only 2 are available now.

How do you unlock the two skills?

Oh my apology, the two skills are only in v3.07. It will be released to public next week.

Could I get some help please? I can't figure out the instinct tree. I have a purple diamond, and I don't know what to do to unlock it, the hint isn't helping.

I can help but need more specific.

(1 edit) (+1)

Found this a couple of days ago, and I'm a bit blown away. It's the exact type of game I've been considering making myself for quite some time, but with a different theme, so seeing this made me really happy. 

As for some constructive feedback on the game so far. 

*Things that I would think are easy fixes and should hopefully be fixed/added ASAP

- Being able to see the names of the different zones. Right now from what I gather, you only get to see the name of the zones when you successfully take over an area. This makes it a bit confusing unless you memorized it really well. Making you able to see the name of the zones when you enter them would be a very good quality of life improvement, even if its something as simple as hardpainted on the map itself. 

- Being able to release/remove monsters. Adding an option to remove undesirable monsters would be really nice and probably not too difficult to implement.

- Being able to rest while exploring. This is a big thing. Right now there's alot of unnecessary clicking as you explore five times, then have to click out, then back, then back into the home zone, then into the garden, then into your hut, and then click rest. Then when done you have to go out and into the zone again. It kind of eats up alot of your time when exploring, and starts to become an annoyance after a while. Adding a button to your little menubox that holds the Map Eye button that allows you to rest would be fantastic. Either; A) add a button that takes you to your hut. Simple but  would still result in a bunch of extra clicks anyway. b) Add a button that allows you to rest in zones. You could even add the possibility in the future for things to have a chance of happening if you rest in the wilds. 

*Other things that could use some quality of life improvements

- The instinct tree could be a little clearer. After finally figuring it out it's not an issue, but when first clicking it I had no idea what I had to do, and didn't realize the green thing was a clickable unlock even. It could be a little clearer, but You've probably got that on the roadmap. 

- Overall information is a bit low and misleading at times, also something you're probably working on. A big example is when exploring some zones and getting the response "I should look somewhere else." Yeah okay that's not very helpful. I don't know if it's a null response, with no possible monster actually being on the map or maybe my companion monster sucks too much (I don't know if their stats actually impact exploring right now even). A little information would be nice so that it's clear if I'm wasting tons of rounds trying to explore an area that is actually empty. 

- Having a list or a little spritelist on the maps of which monsters you've encountered in an area would be a neat little quality of life thing as well. 

- I also felt a bit unsure when it came to map areas and "ending progression". Hard to know if most of the map areas are inaccessible permanently in the current build, or if I'm supposed to do something to unlock them. (Have conquered 2 tiles away in all directions). And the ending progression, is that just placeholder? Is it something that is doable right now? Also completely unsure!

You've got a great framework here, I hope my feedback is taken as constructive as it is meant to be, it is by no means meant as negative critic.  I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for this game.

How does one load a game? I installed the exe file and for some reason I cannot load my saved games.

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