If you are on the .exe version, then save doesn’t work well. If you are on the .swf version, then save works well as long as there isn’t a new version. If you have a problem, be reminded that save is still a “Work In Progress” system
itch save location (Firefox): C:\Users\[user account name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[RANDOM LETTERS]\commondatastorage.googleapis.com\itchio\upload2\game\[RANDOM LETTERS]
Local save location: First narrow down the scope by going to this directory. **(See how to unhid AppData folder if you have it hidden: https://cybertext.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/cant-see-the-appdata-folder/) C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[Random Number]\localhost
I cant seem to unlock the instinct tree. I have played through it for a little bit. I also have like 12 monsters. I cant do anything other than hunt and breed. I don't get any of things that I see other people getting. I have done what others have done and rested once I get to the hidden garden. The monster brings me the head of a slain enemy. But after that I cant do anything else other than mate, hunt, and explore. I cant attack or anything. I feel like I missed something and will feel really stupid once im told what I missed
follow the instinct tree, the hints are the information that pops up when you click the purple diamonds, when they are green that means you can unlock them. And as for why you can’t advance, that’s because you have nothing other than explore, hunting, etc, while others have nursing, bonding, invade, scouting, etc.
You have to get the instinct tree to the point where you unlock the skill “invade” and then use invade to attack new areas and if you are successful, you claim that part of the world. And as for the secret gardens I don’t understand what you mean.
secret gardens is the area on the mountains to the very left of your screen in the starting place, you can find it right away, so I think you mean something else?
you explore in an area by clicking the button “explore” on the center bottom of the screen and then click a location, and to get to other places you click that eye in the top of the thing at the bottom of the screen where “explore” is
First of all, I should note that I hardly will pass this game to the end. First of all it is animation. I just can not keep myself every time I see a new monster in the business or one of my favorite old ones. The second reason is not so good - the mechanics are not very clear to me. What does RP do? Or how to get the level without ditching the monster? These are all the problems of "alpha" and I immediately see what the main focus was on (I cannot describe how divine animation is). I found a bug in one of the previous versions - if you do not save the game until the second using the Queen's Lair, the game crashes. But otherwise, with the software part of the game, it's all right.
I admire the quality of your work even in such an early version. I have already said about animation, I also really like sound design (Lilith's moans and monster sounds merge into beautiful music). The style took the best of the Japanese and European tradition and the design of everything from monsters to Lilith’s dress (I don’t know whose idea is to make her pregnant belly sticking out through the cut, but this is brilliant) it's all so ingenious everywhere and grotesque where it is needed
To summarize: it remains to tighten the igromechanical part and it will be just perfect
I like the game so far but... GOD DAMN! I know its an alpha and I kinda figured out most of it, but for the love of god improve upon the combat system and the info- system. Nursing is broken- it doesnt give RP... The random chance for a monster to get +40 or -40 injured is fucking bullshit. Actions take too much stamina. Why tf do monsters come back hurt from exploring?! Why should I select a monster for exploring when its most likely gonna get injured for nothing... The mechanics arent making any sense so far and arent explained. How tf does the queens lair work? Why are monsters so weak even if you grind them to lvl 5, why dont their abilities do jack shit 90% of the time. The skills/Instinct makes no sense, its not explained at all how to unlock them etc etc....
Other than that, love the game lol. Im just guessing this is all like this cuz its an alpha, but god damn if you ever finish this properly it will be glorious!
Only 1 path for the first 8 skills, though different skills are assigned depending on your playstyle. After that you can choose any skills to unlock, but only 2 are available now.
Could I get some help please? I can't figure out the instinct tree. I have a purple diamond, and I don't know what to do to unlock it, the hint isn't helping.
Found this a couple of days ago, and I'm a bit blown away. It's the exact type of game I've been considering making myself for quite some time, but with a different theme, so seeing this made me really happy.
As for some constructive feedback on the game so far.
*Things that I would think are easy fixes and should hopefully be fixed/added ASAP
- Being able to see the names of the different zones. Right now from what I gather, you only get to see the name of the zones when you successfully take over an area. This makes it a bit confusing unless you memorized it really well. Making you able to see the name of the zones when you enter them would be a very good quality of life improvement, even if its something as simple as hardpainted on the map itself.
- Being able to release/remove monsters. Adding an option to remove undesirable monsters would be really nice and probably not too difficult to implement.
- Being able to rest while exploring. This is a big thing. Right now there's alot of unnecessary clicking as you explore five times, then have to click out, then back, then back into the home zone, then into the garden, then into your hut, and then click rest. Then when done you have to go out and into the zone again. It kind of eats up alot of your time when exploring, and starts to become an annoyance after a while. Adding a button to your little menubox that holds the Map Eye button that allows you to rest would be fantastic. Either; A) add a button that takes you to your hut. Simple but would still result in a bunch of extra clicks anyway. b) Add a button that allows you to rest in zones. You could even add the possibility in the future for things to have a chance of happening if you rest in the wilds.
*Other things that could use some quality of life improvements
- The instinct tree could be a little clearer. After finally figuring it out it's not an issue, but when first clicking it I had no idea what I had to do, and didn't realize the green thing was a clickable unlock even. It could be a little clearer, but You've probably got that on the roadmap.
- Overall information is a bit low and misleading at times, also something you're probably working on. A big example is when exploring some zones and getting the response "I should look somewhere else." Yeah okay that's not very helpful. I don't know if it's a null response, with no possible monster actually being on the map or maybe my companion monster sucks too much (I don't know if their stats actually impact exploring right now even). A little information would be nice so that it's clear if I'm wasting tons of rounds trying to explore an area that is actually empty.
- Having a list or a little spritelist on the maps of which monsters you've encountered in an area would be a neat little quality of life thing as well.
- I also felt a bit unsure when it came to map areas and "ending progression". Hard to know if most of the map areas are inaccessible permanently in the current build, or if I'm supposed to do something to unlock them. (Have conquered 2 tiles away in all directions). And the ending progression, is that just placeholder? Is it something that is doable right now? Also completely unsure!
You've got a great framework here, I hope my feedback is taken as constructive as it is meant to be, it is by no means meant as negative critic. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for this game.
I have the problem with new public version... royal army, bonding, nursing, etc. They have all disappeared, leaving only explore and..? I don't remember other one.
Option to open Queens nest is gone despite having high levels.
No idea how to do enlightenment or instinct things.
Wow thank you for the very much detailed feedback and suggestions! Many are inspiring, especially using some mechanics to trigger events and having same species in a gang scene. Though some can increase the work load quite a bit. If I can fulfill the requirement of 1) presenting all the information of a mechanics to the players, 2) not increasing the scope too much, I will try to build upon the concepts and develop them.
Sorry for the late reply due to having to move during the period. But excellent ideas! I certainly will try to get monster injury or more during battle ^^
The Lv only represents their relationship right now. It offers a bit of stats for traits, like 1 stat per level but that's it. I am planning to use it to unlock the monster's benefit, for example, Queen's Nest will only be available if Slime Eye is Lv 8. As for the direction, you might have passed a habitat of the local species, so it asks you to turn around. Also there could be more than one species in a territory.
Hello! Would it be possible for you to put the .swf up for download alongside the .exe? I play on Linux and prefer to use a standalone player. I can grab it from the webpage, of course, but saving a step would be nice. Would also allow you to flag TT as available on Linux.
I think there is a bug where certain monsters will be listed as under the Royal Army with the red R next to their icon, but they don't show up in the Royal Army tab when you open it. I currently have 2 monsters that encountered this bug, and I think it seems to trigger when the monster is injured (like when you send them to scout, hunt, etc.) while listed in the army.
Start game. Sit and stare at still map as music plays. Assuming the game is frozen, restart. Same result. Move mouse around, eventually stumble on the need to click one specific landmark to start the story.
First cutscene. Told the princess is the going to the forest. Back to the map. Still no prompts, but considering the last map screen, I try to highlight or click the forest areas. Nothing. Eventually discover I am actually meant to click on the top of the mountain.
Told I need to explore. Click "Explore". No response. Move mouse around, discover forest area can be highlighted. Click there, next cutscene.
Cutscenes. Told I need to explore to find tentacle skin. Click "Explore". Forest is no longer highlightable. No areas are highlightable. Eventually realize I am now meant to just click on random pixels of the map, for some reason.
Nothing in the forest, which is the one area I have previously explored and found tentacle skin in. Days pass. I receive no feedback or guidance.
I explore "with" my tentacle monster, and begin to receive feedback. I am told to go Northwest. I click to the top-left of the map. I am told to go Southwest. I click to the bottom left. I am told to go Northwest. A pixel hunt begins, broken up by resting. It never ends. I find nothing.
At some point, I am told I can form a Royal Army and kill "my enemies". I see a Royal Army button, and click it. I can add tentacle monsters to my Royal Army. I do so. Nothing happens. I cannot tell why I am meant to do this, or how I am meant to kill my enemies.
I finally give up on the forest, and start clicking randomly elsewhere. I find a tentacle skin near my house! I make dresses with these, right? No option appears to make a dress.
I check my Journal. It says I have 1 Tentacle Skin. The "Knowledge" button, which I eventually worked out was "Help", gives none. I explore again, and find another Tentacle Skin. I check my Journal. It still says I have 1 Tentacle Skin.
I send my monster hunting, because he eats Food. He comes back with 1 Food, but is tired. After a while, he has 30 Stamina. Hunting costs 30 Stamina, so it should be fine. I send him hunting. Now he is Injured 10.
Nothing explains what Injured means. I decide he will heal overnight, and go to rest. I check him again. He is now Injured 50. I cannot use him for anything. I use the Nurse option to make him less Injured. I still cannot hunt for food. He leaves.
I get fucked and have a new tentacle monster. I continue to explore, hoping to trigger an event that will explain how to do something, anything. Every time I explore, I find nothing, or I find a tentacle skin that I do not "pick up" and cannot use, or I get fucked. If I get fucked, I get pregnant. If I am pregnant, I cannot explore.
My attempts to explore eventually bring me enough tentacle monsters that I physically cannot hunt enough food each turn. They drain my reserves, and run away in the night. I am left with a manageable number of monsters. I try to explore again. I get fucked. I cannot explore, and will soon have another monster.
I should try going Northwest.
Please, for the love of fucking god, explain something. Explain ANYTHING. Maybe I'm a blind moron who needs his hand constantly held, but right now this game seems opaque and self-contradictory, giving no feedback and teaching no lessons, and doesn't make it easy to experiment independently. Just spell it out if you have to. That "knowledge" button is already there, and literally the only useful thing in the game right now - don't be afraid to expand it.
Long answer : All of this is to be expected with an ALPHA build. Most games are made public during beta stages of development, when most core features are implemented and somewhat complete. Alpha stages are more to be looked at like proof of concept, not like complete games and for most cases not even like the final game itself. A tutorial is very time consuming and a complete waste of time when you are still defining what the core features are and what they are meant to be.
My advice is to think of this release as an opportunity to watch the game evolve and grow as it yet has to grow before becoming the game it aims to be, like minecraft, 7DTD, ARK and many other indie games did before it. (example : in minecraft alpha you had to throw iron in a fire to make iron ingots, most of time leading to nothing as the ingots burned to nothingness. Also the giant steves were a ugly, giganormous pain, ruining your camps when they walked on it with their telescopic hitboxes of doom. Yet it was fair : it was an alpha build, made to share work progress and check in with people if what worked was cool.)
Short answer : nobody is a moron in this case, we are just looking at a (brace for personal opinion in 3...2...1...) very promising project that is still being fleshed out and therefore incomplete, as to be expected from an alpha stage of development.
Seems really nice for the most part but would it be possible to make it scale so that it'd show all of map with no need to scroll around at all instead of the weird way it works now where if I make the screen tall but thin it'll scale to show full height of the map or if I make the screen wide but short I can see horizontally everything and just need to scroll up and down.
Or if for some reason that's harder than it should be you could just make the map images smaller.
Are you not able to save through Diary(top right corner icon) > Save?
**1. Web save/load uses browser cookies, which can get cleared. It is not hugely reliable, as well as not likely to be compatible with future web versions, unlike the downloadable version above.
Are you not able to save through Diary(top right corner icon) > Save?
**1. Web save/load uses browser cookies, which can get cleared. It is not hugely reliable, as well as not likely to be compatible with future web versions, unlike the downloadable version above.
Then I have a Question about breeding. Since it's the most ''interesting'' part for me i wonder if you only can breed with the 4 monsters that are on the main map ?
1. After that i want to say that that the whole Hunting and Food system is very irritating. I was lucky so get 109 Food through a bug and that made the game much more enjoyable for a short time. I would suggest to either buff the hunting skills of basically everything or just leave the food system out complettly. I've at least spend 20 rounds just on hunting which is no fun.
2. For the invade/battle system i wish you could switch the line up right befor the start of the fight, as far is i know you only can manipulate the line up through the order on which you ad them in the Royal army.
And then i have to say that you created an uniquely sexy Charakter with the Queen. I don't know what it is but i have never seen such a hot virtual charakter.
And then i have to say that you created an uniquely sexy Charakter with the Queen. I don't know what it is but i have never seen such a hot virtual charakter. Absolutely right!
1) Yea I was trying to implement the negative consequences later after more core features are introduced, but some people wanted some challenge so I went with it. But loading game offer 99 food when you have no food is left, that is a transitional arrangement for now. Not a bug :)
2) It will be an unlockable feature to arrange your line up.
I actually skipped 2.10, going directly
to this version (3.01). And I'm quite impressed by progress. I really
like it and am looking forward for future releases. Trust me, I've
never before spent 5+ hours on a flash game before :O
However, I've noticed numerous issues:
- 1) First off, there is a programming
error - on Moth encounter, an Inuax is born (on second play Scrapper
was, so there is definitely some bigger error). Also, When I reached 5x Dubois,
further attempts produce Scrappers. Also, after "bonding"
with Cirrus, another Scrapper spawned. I consider this to be a
vitally major problem, because well... it's not like player breeds Lilith with a
certain species to get a random one :D
- 2) And yes, an aforementioned food
supply problem. Even as Dubois gets 3-5 food per hunt, usually 4,
that means if we sacrifice an entire round for hunting, and if we are
very lucky, the maximum potential food production per round is 25 –
which is equal to monster number cap in this respect. However, every
hunt costs 30 stamina, while a monster regenerates 20 stamina per
round. This means that for every turn in a round we have to have 2
food gathering monsters, which will hunt interchangeably between
rounds. The result is that player is forced to have 10x Dubois (after
getting 5 of them I started getting Scrappers from breeding Lilith
with Dubois [WTF?!]) in order to sustain a 25 unit strong population
- and we assume you're getting 5 food from every hunt and spend all
turns on hunting only. I
comply with former suggestions about creating hunting parties, just
like Royal Army is done. Or perhaps being able to add multiple
monsters to a single hunt. Bottom line, food economy was a bit hard on economy
even before, with added stamina it quickly makes you lose random
monsters. Usually it's a freshly born one that is about to mature
into the kind of monster you wanted. - really, at my second play, I
just kept low pop, bred Dubois only and stockpiled a ton of food
before I moved on to breed an army. Though I suspect it won't last
for long. Generally, after like 12 units you get bottlenecked on
Correction: With 12 units I'm generally
able to keep a positive supply of food, having 4x Dubois. Still, this
system could be better. As I consciously have to ommit hunting in
order to get rid of monsters that no longer support the immediate
- 3) Also, dismissing monsters. That
would be a major utility, to keep control of food drain, while
keeping precisely the monsters you need. At the moment, the only way
to get rid of monsters is to starve them. But again, it takes either
a random one or „the least loyal one”. Usually a newborn if there
is, which is bad. Couple this with point 1) and you're losing the
whole strategy in this game, because you get a random monster which
you have no way of getting rid of other than getting 0 food.
- 4) Then, I was pleasantly surprised
with the addition of "Bonding" feature, but still, it has
Primarily, I don't see what monster level gives. I have a lv4 and lv3
Dubois and they seem to have actually lower stats than freshly
matured ones. Perhaps level could give an increased stamina regen
instead? That actually would make "bonding" feature
worthwile. And would be a lot simplier in programming, and as such,
less prone to bugs. Because, every monster has different stats so you
have to manually set which ones are advanced (unless all are, though
+1 for every level is... little, considering they usually have 40-70
points on a trait). Bonding with a certain monster is simply... not
economical at all as it is now.
- 5) Also, the Royal Army problem I've
seen in reviews on NG (where I originally found your artwork) and had
it confirmed in-game – if a monster gets injured in combat, it
retains „R” even though it's removed from army. Thus, if it
heals, it can never be reassigned anymore.
- 6) Other thing, what I also saw
mentioned on NG and support would be a button to immediately return
to base without the need of clicking a lot.
- 7) Round counter. It counts from
round 99 downward, eventually reaching negative values. The system
from 2.08 was better, counting from round 1 upward (as far as I
remember). Unless, well, this is a WIP time limit.
- 8) Army size. I've noticed that after
conquering neighboring territories, the next ones have 9 or 10 enemy
units, and further ones probably more and/or higher tier ones. It
remains to be seen, but I suspect it's an unwinnable situation in
current release. Seeing the combat „tutorial” above, I notice
that this army size will probably increase (queen nest upgrade?)
And these are my thoughts and notes so
far. Anyway, keep up the good job. It looks absolutely promising :)
Thank you so much for playing and offering detailed feedback. Many great insights. I am still putting out more features, there will be answers for many of these worries. And you are on point on the benefits from increased relationship level and traits. That one I am still tweaking a bit. But stay tune!
Then again, I'll address a point made on the previous review by Untamed Brave Sophung about
- 9) tutorials. The game is a bit confusing initially after the end of prologue. Perhaps it would be good to expand "Knowledge" feature with another "Step by step" feature for players who prefer more detailed tutorials. Also, at the start, after Lilith gets banished, perhaps a dialogue option to show or not show tips.
- 10) There is also a problem with Cirrus' special power. Every heart takes 3 sec to consume, while its' spawn time is 16 secs. 6x3=18, so player might not have time to feed a Cirrus enough before it spawns, unless it's coupled in a squad with another monster and/or at the back of a queue. I agree that it's power is quite strong, but definitely not worth 6 hearts, since it requires Cirrus to get damaged first and so, the speed buff is shorthanded. As far as I've seen, all enemies have 1 or 2 heart cost on their abilities and they are quite powerful for such a low cost. Which actually negates the player getting heart acquisition buff, because enemy can still arm all their units with specials (2 hearts for reflecting 60% of damage received is very, very powerful, just as complete invulnerability to intelligence class attacks).
- 11) Also, the encyclopedia: I suggest introducing a script that would update monster database as they are scouted and/or Lilith encounters and then knows more about them. The monsters present in Secret Garden would be vaguely described at start, but others would be "Unknown", then "Unidentified" once terrain is scouted, then a name and picture appears once Lilith encounters them. Then its lore and battle characteristics would be expanded upon bonding, as Lilith gains more insight about that particular species (perhaps bonding with certain species would actually unlock special power for the entire species?). The ones not introduced yet into the game would better be named "Absent". For this, I propose expanding battle stats in Encyclopedia by "Prey" (enemy hard countered by a monster) and "Nemesis" (enemy that hard counters a monster) - which would be updated once that monster encounters its prey or nemesis in battle.
- 12) And speaking about outlines also mentioned by Untamed Brave Sophung I think it's also a good idea. I imagine it (coupling it with Encyclopedia idea above) as follows: Upon entering an unscouted region, you have no outliners - you have to scout it first. Then, after scouting, an outline appears where an unidentified (or identified if already encountered) was spotted with an overlaying text "Unidentified Tentacle Monster spotted in this area", then after identifying a monster, its image and name appears within the outline. If you scout when already having the monster encountered before, an image and name appears immediately, without the "unidentified" message.
- 13) It is also weird for me that Lilith can explore freely in an enemy-occupied region. Perhaps it would be better to restrict "Explore" feature to owned regions. I know that they contain more powerful monsters which actually are vital to defeating 7-8 numbered enemy armies, so perhaps those regions could have smaller enemy population to give player an easier start.
- 14) Automatic squad assignment is bad. The game usually couples one species with another that I want solo or moves a defensive unit into backline, making my offensive ones take the brunt of attack. It would be a lot better if player could assign monsters to squads manually. Perhaps an expansion upon Royal Army tab? Like you are at Royal Army and in the bottom left corner you have a "Squads" button. When you click on it, you have tabs like Squad T3, Squad T2, Squad T1, Squad B1, Squad B2, Squad B3, from top to bottom, each with "manage" button to the left and "Royal Army" button in the bottom left corner to return. Or if a player wants auto squad assignment, there'd be a toggle that would enable or gray out "Squads" tab.
You are the first one who is willing to talk about the battle ^O^ I play quite a bit dota, getting people to talk about my balance feels excited!
9) I haz a mouse over knowledge section for each feature in the newer version.
10) Feeding a heart takes 2 secs, so 6 hearts in 16 secs is feasible but needs to be quick. The way I try to design it is bit inspired by dota, in terms of risk management. I want a species to be viable in only a certain situation. Some abilities are somewhat unstoppable when the condition is right. I need to make sure it costs a bit or else it would be a solution for everything. But I agree that the monster reflecting 60% is getting a good deal XD I will tweak it a bit once we have more challenging enemies.
11, 12) Those are great suggestions. I am seriously considering them.
13) That was the original design. I still intend to do it after we have enough features introduced.
14) Yes, managing our own squads would be the most ideal. I want to keep it as an unlockable feature though.
Thank you for the awesome suggestions and feedback again.
Actually, I thought about a little expansion to 12): after scouting, outliners would not be shown as well. However, on a strategic map, you'd get an "Unidentified monster spotted". Then, you could explore the region (since only Secret Garden monsters would initially be in encyclopedia, Lilith does not know which part of the region a monster inhabits), thus no outliners - or perhaps just outliners without any information. Once Lilith found a skin an outliner would show up with text "Unidentified Tentacle Monster confirmed in this area". If she experienced an encounter first, the image and name would immediately appear.
About 10): yes, it is feasible. However, for a monster that does show up late and has a tendency to match other monsters in squad (at least in my playthroughs), which prolongs its appearance even more, and the cost of 6 hearts... its special power is far too weak. Especially considering its basic combat value which is at comparable level with enemy tier 1 monsters - as far as I remember, an arthropod locust-looking monster, which is T1, still beats Cirrus, which is not only T4, but also of the same class. I don't play dota... though I play a lot of LoL and I agree that low-risk high-power characters area menace, still if they are high-risk low-power, nobody uses them. I once or twice managed to feed that Cirrus all 6 hearts, but they turned up to be a waste of resource, since well - the bonus is not only costly, but (like I wrote before) also short-handed. I think there are stronger rewards that cost less, like atk speed debuff on Scrapper that costs mere 2 hearts. Does almost the same, but doesn't need your monster to be low on health. Actually, there is a champion in LoL, Olaf, that has a passive very similar to Cirrus (atk speed based on missing health) - trust me, if they added a highly risky timed quest to activate it, he'd be completely unplayable. In my opinion, an ability like this is worth 4 hearts tops. Bottom line, this monster is highly risky with a far too weak reward to back up the risk. I would understand such risk on a nuker (that tier 4 unit of silvans - costs 4 hearts (+50% movement speed and 3x damage on hit [60, which can almost instantly kill some monsters])), but not really on a berserker - a single ranged unit on the backline is enough to put a stop to it quickly. If it also decreased damage received based on missing health, now that would be worth... 5 hearts. Still not 6. Remember that software already has an advantage over player in terms of reacting to the fact that it already has an another heart to feed the army. Tell you what. Try to add a unit with the same characteristics and power (and cost) in an enemy army. And let's see if the computer actually uses it (and, as it would be forced to play at least some of these units, if it can win). Because in terms of economy and stats comparison, the machine will always be better - we can only estimate, they work on exact values (Ok, if I sit down, and write the stats down before I hit "Battle", I can probably do the same, but that would take another 30-60 minutes to calculate, which I'd much rather spend watching some tentacle making love to Lilith :D ). Bottom line, the machine will always take the most efficient way to use its units. In other way, it will have already tested all possible combinations and chosen the one that takes it closest to victory. Since, if it does not arm a Cirrus-like unit with heart upgrade, it means it's not worth the resource.
- 15) Give some early ranged unit to Silvans. My 8-strong army is destroying their 10-strong armies at first attempt XD
BTW: What does actually Agility stand for? Because in current release, though attack and HP are self explanatory, agility is not explained. Atk speed? Chance to dodge an attack?
- 16) Garrisons: Since every time I use "Rest" feature, I get message saying that enemies might make their move, I conclude that in future versions enemies will be able to reconquer territories, right? If so, then I suggest allowing player to garrison regions with monsters from the pool, with max capacity equal to max capacity of Royal Army (or perhaps a different cap based on nest upgrades?). Garrisons would fend for themselves (eg, would not constitute a drain upon player's food supply) and if territory is invaded, a battle between AIs would occur in the background (player will only get notified of result). If there is no garrison, enemy attack would automatically trigger a manual battle between invaders and Royal Army (monsters in Royal Army would not lose stamina during defense).
- 17) Battle experience: In addition to relationship level, I suggest putting up a battle level. Every battle would give a monster a certain amount of XP, with levels from 0 to 3 (like in C&C Generals - Veteran, Elite, Heroic). Every level would result in 10% increase of base battle stats. Tentacles would gain 1.5x XP if they win against enemy with one more unit and 2x if 2+ more units.
- 18) Monster suggestion: Name: Membra Tier 4 In terms of traits, a slightly upgraded Dubois, but with ability to forage for 6-8 food instead of 3-5. Class: Speed Habitat: Mountains (also considering something new: Adaptive-Migrational) Appearance: Slightly resembles a lizard-cat hybrid, silvery or dark-gray hue and emerald-green eyes. Membranous tail and lots of small tentacles and one big on its back. (can draw if you approve actually did draw it [don't mind lack of light-shade, it's still wip]: http://tinypic.com/r/23lld93/9) HP: 90 ATK: 15 AGI: 105 (until I know just how and what Agility affects, hard to extrapolate an accurate value) Special: On attack, causes enemy to bleed for 5 HP/sec over 10 seconds (renewable but not stackable). Cost: 3 hearts. Spawn time: 9 sec Mating behavior: Vaginal. Methodical, distrustful attitude (changes along the course of bonding). Ties Lilith back-to-back with small tentacles across belly and neck, then mates her with the big one. Its mating tendril secretes endodermal absorbing euphoric, granting females an intense sensual experience.
Haha thank you for the awesome suggestions. Allow me to keep it short so I can rush out the new update.
12) I will expand on your suggestion and polish the feature in the future.
10) Keep in mind that we will have more monsters in the future that could benefit greatly with each other. Some could provide crazy sustain and render some situation difficult to balance. Tiers represent mainly their strength in battle effects.
15) Haha thank you for reminding me to explain Agi. It is used for calculating miss chance. Each 1% difference indicates a percent of miss chance. I will put this in battle tips.
16,17,18) Interesting suggestions! I will keep them in mind. What I wish more is some mating pose ideas. We have like 50~60 species, and it is sometimes difficult to come up with some creative motion and pose for everyone, that is also fitting of their respective themes.
What about a feature that tells us the creatures we made by bonding and how to create them so we won't create them again like for instance Myrmidon+Myrmidon+Myrmidon=Myrmidon something like that would be nice.
I have never hit the donate button so fast before. Have been looking so long for a lewd adventure game focused on breeding AND including pregnancy mechanics and a moderately elaborate in-game world mechanics. This game, thus, surpasses Breeding Season/Cloudy Meadow in regards to what tropes and ideas I really, really wanted in this kind of game.
As the game is still in early alpha stages, it goes without saying that the art still have a few ways to go and the UI is yet to be polished, so I'll give a few feedbacks and suggestions regarding other aspects:
1-Exploration Life Quality: when the player is viewing a location, it would be nice if clickable parts of the landscape where already indicated as such or where highlighted from the background, just so to prevent some minor "pixel hunting" and to prevent new players from getting confused as to where they should click on. Also, when Exploring somewhere you have already explored before, the game could give display a few tooltips to remind the player of what he can find in the area the mouse is hovering over, as well as some information on the area.
2-Strategic Information: it is much appreciated that game doesn't handhold the player with patronizing tutorials nor leaves the player to their own devices with minimal static tutorials, as well as the fact that the game trickles mechanics and actions in so the player is not overwhelmed with choices early on, but nevertheless I still had a slightly hard time figuring out what to do and how to plan ahead my actions. For instance, how do I know which Monsters are better for hunting or for being in my army? How do I know the possible risks and rewards of my actions? How do I know what kind of Monster I gave birth to? How do I know what exactly "Bonding" does and why it requires me to click somewhere on the map? I could use the game giving me some information to aid me on deciding what to do and hinting me on the game mechanics.
3-Instant Texts: I am a very fast reader, to the point I can read the text faster than it is slowly displayed. This causes me to just keep clicking the mouse to make the message fully display and then to continue the text. This is a bit annoying. I think there should be an option to make texts display instantly in dialogues.
4-Turn/Round Cycles: instead of making a Round be a "budget" of Turns the player can take, you could convert the Turn/Road cycle to a Day/Night cycle in which each Turn takes a portion of the cycle (kinda like Persona games, for instance), and put a button on the GUI to wait out a Turn to make all Monsters rest to regain some Stamina. This way, you can reuse the Stamina mechanics and let the player be able to continuously take actions if he can afford it, instead of forcing an awkward pacing where the player has to keep going in and out of the base to Rest after spurs of only a handful of actions.
5- Flash's life is a flash in a pan: Flash has long been a very clunky development environment for games and inefficient plataform for larger games, and it is only a short time away from being discontinued and rendered completely obsolete. This game's release can be mired by Flash's limitations as it becomes become asset intensive or more involved mechanics are developed. I suggest you look for other game engines to develop the game on, such as Unity3D, Game Maker or Multimedia Fusion. Unity3D is the better option if you want to make the game be playable on a browser.
6-Better Hunting: maybe you could allow the player to select multiple Monsters to go hunting so to bring back more food. After all, having to order hunts one-by-one gets a bit annoying after a while. The same applies, in part, to many other actions that are likely to be taken many times over in one Round.
Feedbacks aside, I really, realy, really look forward for the next updates. I'm a game developer and artist as well so if you need any help, don't feel shy on asking me anything.
Your words too kind! All the inputs are really on point~ Thank you for taking your time to not only try my game, but also offer such valuable feedback. Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/M4vN5qy
This is a really great game. One of the best i have ever played and it has so much potential. Please keep it up :). I found only 2 things that really bothered me and those are:
1- Going all the way back to home for resting is annoying because you do that through the game like 100 times and doing it over and over kinda annoyed me.
2-Hunting is boring af. I mean being cautious about your food stock every day to not to fuck up is cool i think it makes the game challenging but i think you made a really boring way to stock up food.
It's still a great game i think and it's new so im sure you will put really good stuff I will keep checking it out thanks for making this.
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Hey I saved the game but when I went to play it again I could not load it.
If you are on the .exe version, then save doesn’t work well. If you are on the .swf version, then save works well as long as there isn’t a new version. If you have a problem, be reminded that save is still a “Work In Progress” system
itch save location (Firefox):
C:\Users\[user account name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[RANDOM LETTERS]\commondatastorage.googleapis.com\itchio\upload2\game\[RANDOM LETTERS]
Local save location:
First narrow down the scope by going to this directory. **(See how to unhid AppData folder if you have it hidden: https://cybertext.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/cant-see-the-appdata-folder/)
C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[Random Number]\localhost
I cant seem to unlock the instinct tree. I have played through it for a little bit. I also have like 12 monsters. I cant do anything other than hunt and breed. I don't get any of things that I see other people getting. I have done what others have done and rested once I get to the hidden garden. The monster brings me the head of a slain enemy. But after that I cant do anything else other than mate, hunt, and explore. I cant attack or anything. I feel like I missed something and will feel really stupid once im told what I missed
follow the instinct tree, the hints are the information that pops up when you click the purple diamonds, when they are green that means you can unlock them. And as for why you can’t advance, that’s because you have nothing other than explore, hunting, etc, while others have nursing, bonding, invade, scouting, etc.
there isn't a purple dimond
HHAHAHAAHH I told you once I found it I would be angry with my self lol. Thanks Man. Really enjoying the game even with that mestake on my part
guys pls help i just didnt decovered how u can umlock new world,and the secret gardens pls help (respect)pls
You have to get the instinct tree to the point where you unlock the skill “invade” and then use invade to attack new areas and if you are successful, you claim that part of the world. And as for the secret gardens I don’t understand what you mean.
tnx appreciated sorry bout my language just exited and when are you gonna be able to find secret gardens.
secret gardens is the area on the mountains to the very left of your screen in the starting place, you can find it right away, so I think you mean something else?
sorry for all my questions but i meant how explore or something else
you explore in an area by clicking the button “explore” on the center bottom of the screen and then click a location, and to get to other places you click that eye in the top of the thing at the bottom of the screen where “explore” is
First of all, I should note that I hardly will pass this game to the end. First of all it is animation. I just can not keep myself every time I see a new monster in the business or one of my favorite old ones.
The second reason is not so good - the mechanics are not very clear to me. What does RP do? Or how to get the level without ditching the monster? These are all the problems of "alpha" and I immediately see what the main focus was on (I cannot describe how divine animation is).
I found a bug in one of the previous versions - if you do not save the game until the second using the Queen's Lair, the game crashes. But otherwise, with the software part of the game, it's all right.
I admire the quality of your work even in such an early version. I have already said about animation, I also really like sound design (Lilith's moans and monster sounds merge into beautiful music). The style took the best of the Japanese and European tradition and the design of everything from monsters to Lilith’s dress (I don’t know whose idea is to make her pregnant belly sticking out through the cut, but this is brilliant) it's all so ingenious everywhere and grotesque where it is needed
To summarize: it remains to tighten the igromechanical part and it will be just perfect
I like the game so far but... GOD DAMN! I know its an alpha and I kinda figured out most of it, but for the love of god improve upon the combat system and the info- system. Nursing is broken- it doesnt give RP... The random chance for a monster to get +40 or -40 injured is fucking bullshit. Actions take too much stamina. Why tf do monsters come back hurt from exploring?! Why should I select a monster for exploring when its most likely gonna get injured for nothing... The mechanics arent making any sense so far and arent explained. How tf does the queens lair work? Why are monsters so weak even if you grind them to lvl 5, why dont their abilities do jack shit 90% of the time. The skills/Instinct makes no sense, its not explained at all how to unlock them etc etc....
Other than that, love the game lol. Im just guessing this is all like this cuz its an alpha, but god damn if you ever finish this properly it will be glorious!
What do I do when my monster is injured?
Edit: I figured it out, you need the nursing skill
but another question, is there only one path for the instinct tree? Or more? If more then how do I get more?
Only 1 path for the first 8 skills, though different skills are assigned depending on your playstyle. After that you can choose any skills to unlock, but only 2 are available now.
How do you unlock the two skills?
Oh my apology, the two skills are only in v3.07. It will be released to public next week.
Could I get some help please? I can't figure out the instinct tree. I have a purple diamond, and I don't know what to do to unlock it, the hint isn't helping.
I can help but need more specific.
Found this a couple of days ago, and I'm a bit blown away. It's the exact type of game I've been considering making myself for quite some time, but with a different theme, so seeing this made me really happy.
As for some constructive feedback on the game so far.
*Things that I would think are easy fixes and should hopefully be fixed/added ASAP
- Being able to see the names of the different zones. Right now from what I gather, you only get to see the name of the zones when you successfully take over an area. This makes it a bit confusing unless you memorized it really well. Making you able to see the name of the zones when you enter them would be a very good quality of life improvement, even if its something as simple as hardpainted on the map itself.
- Being able to release/remove monsters. Adding an option to remove undesirable monsters would be really nice and probably not too difficult to implement.
- Being able to rest while exploring. This is a big thing. Right now there's alot of unnecessary clicking as you explore five times, then have to click out, then back, then back into the home zone, then into the garden, then into your hut, and then click rest. Then when done you have to go out and into the zone again. It kind of eats up alot of your time when exploring, and starts to become an annoyance after a while. Adding a button to your little menubox that holds the Map Eye button that allows you to rest would be fantastic. Either; A) add a button that takes you to your hut. Simple but would still result in a bunch of extra clicks anyway. b) Add a button that allows you to rest in zones. You could even add the possibility in the future for things to have a chance of happening if you rest in the wilds.
*Other things that could use some quality of life improvements
- The instinct tree could be a little clearer. After finally figuring it out it's not an issue, but when first clicking it I had no idea what I had to do, and didn't realize the green thing was a clickable unlock even. It could be a little clearer, but You've probably got that on the roadmap.
- Overall information is a bit low and misleading at times, also something you're probably working on. A big example is when exploring some zones and getting the response "I should look somewhere else." Yeah okay that's not very helpful. I don't know if it's a null response, with no possible monster actually being on the map or maybe my companion monster sucks too much (I don't know if their stats actually impact exploring right now even). A little information would be nice so that it's clear if I'm wasting tons of rounds trying to explore an area that is actually empty.
- Having a list or a little spritelist on the maps of which monsters you've encountered in an area would be a neat little quality of life thing as well.
- I also felt a bit unsure when it came to map areas and "ending progression". Hard to know if most of the map areas are inaccessible permanently in the current build, or if I'm supposed to do something to unlock them. (Have conquered 2 tiles away in all directions). And the ending progression, is that just placeholder? Is it something that is doable right now? Also completely unsure!
You've got a great framework here, I hope my feedback is taken as constructive as it is meant to be, it is by no means meant as negative critic. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for this game.
How does one load a game? I installed the exe file and for some reason I cannot load my saved games.
How do you rest after you cant get back into the secret garden
Im not fully understanding the reuse save on a later version.
it just renames the file to whatever it was "blahblah.exe(2)"
I don't have money yet, but as soon as I do, I will pay you buddy.
You are too kind mate.
How can I use special items?
They are not usable yet. There are a few things I need to develop first before making items function-able. Here is a list for those who are interested:
At what point do you unlock bonding again (I am at the instinct tree part where it asks for 2 special items)?
P.S. How do you go about finding special items? (Is it with explore while in a new area, or is it something else?)
Have to use Train(Hunt) and assign a species that you think matches a habitat of the territory.
Thanks for that info, and I'm guessing that bonding will unlock after completing this Instinct mission?
Is it possible to download on your phone?
Although the game is not tested for mobile platforms yet, some players suggested they could use Puffin to play flash game without much problems.
Oh ok, thank you so much!
Did you see my questions from before?
Hi ya, sorry missed you post. But it looks like you've figured it out?
Hey. I have a problem - I can not find any apples or fish, so I can not pass the instinct with them. Help!
Any 2 special items are fine, doesn't have to be apple or fish.
I have the problem with new public version... royal army, bonding, nursing, etc. They have all disappeared, leaving only explore and..? I don't remember other one.
Option to open Queens nest is gone despite having high levels.
No idea how to do enlightenment or instinct things.
Can you help or fix these in next patch?
Figured it out.
Inside instinct, there are little diamond like symbols. Click them and will get hint.If green can unlock directly.
silly question, but how does the enlightenment goals work, i couldent find an explanation in or out of the game, so i thought about comming here.
Which one are you stuck at?
at the moment it shows none, and im wondering how i get them
Wow thank you for the very much detailed feedback and suggestions! Many are inspiring, especially using some mechanics to trigger events and having same species in a gang scene. Though some can increase the work load quite a bit. If I can fulfill the requirement of 1) presenting all the information of a mechanics to the players, 2) not increasing the scope too much, I will try to build upon the concepts and develop them.
Sorry for the late reply due to having to move during the period. But excellent ideas! I certainly will try to get monster injury or more during battle ^^
just wondering what lvl do tho ... coz it doesn't affect their stats o.o
Good game btw keep it up '-')9
edit : and sometimes when i'm exploring, it says the direction, but after that it says somewhere else... any clue for that ??
The Lv only represents their relationship right now. It offers a bit of stats for traits, like 1 stat per level but that's it. I am planning to use it to unlock the monster's benefit, for example, Queen's Nest will only be available if Slime Eye is Lv 8.
As for the direction, you might have passed a habitat of the local species, so it asks you to turn around. Also there could be more than one species in a territory.
ahhh i see... thanks a lot... good luck for the next patch o
Hello! Would it be possible for you to put the .swf up for download alongside the .exe?
I play on Linux and prefer to use a standalone player. I can grab it from the webpage, of course, but saving a step would be nice. Would also allow you to flag TT as available on Linux.
Done! Didn't know swf can be played on Linux.
Thanks man! FYI you may want to flag the SWF as a Linux release too so it shows up in searches.
It depends. See https://github.com/lightspark/lightspark/issues/339 as regards AVM versions (that's Actionscript Virtual Machine of course).
Also: "SWF v7 features and some SWF v8 and v9; SWF v10 is not supported by GNU Gnash." -- https://www.gnu.org/software/gnash
Interesting game was wondering if a page for patch notes exist, would be good to let us know what has changed each patch.
Hi, I usually release new versions along with the details on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nonoplayer
I think there is a bug where certain monsters will be listed as under the Royal Army with the red R next to their icon, but they don't show up in the Royal Army tab when you open it. I currently have 2 monsters that encountered this bug, and I think it seems to trigger when the monster is injured (like when you send them to scout, hunt, etc.) while listed in the army.
Thank you for the reporting! I believe it is fixed in newer versions. I will upload a new one next week.
My experience with this game:
Please, for the love of fucking god, explain something. Explain ANYTHING. Maybe I'm a blind moron who needs his hand constantly held, but right now this game seems opaque and self-contradictory, giving no feedback and teaching no lessons, and doesn't make it easy to experiment independently. Just spell it out if you have to. That "knowledge" button is already there, and literally the only useful thing in the game right now - don't be afraid to expand it.
Oh, and the map scaling is fucked.
Long answer : All of this is to be expected with an ALPHA build. Most games are made public during beta stages of development, when most core features are implemented and somewhat complete. Alpha stages are more to be looked at like proof of concept, not like complete games and for most cases not even like the final game itself. A tutorial is very time consuming and a complete waste of time when you are still defining what the core features are and what they are meant to be.
My advice is to think of this release as an opportunity to watch the game evolve and grow as it yet has to grow before becoming the game it aims to be, like minecraft, 7DTD, ARK and many other indie games did before it. (example : in minecraft alpha you had to throw iron in a fire to make iron ingots, most of time leading to nothing as the ingots burned to nothingness. Also the giant steves were a ugly, giganormous pain, ruining your camps when they walked on it with their telescopic hitboxes of doom. Yet it was fair : it was an alpha build, made to share work progress and check in with people if what worked was cool.)
Short answer : nobody is a moron in this case, we are just looking at a (brace for personal opinion in 3...2...1...) very promising project that is still being fleshed out and therefore incomplete, as to be expected from an alpha stage of development.
Seems really nice for the most part but would it be possible to make it scale so that it'd show all of map with no need to scroll around at all instead of the weird way it works now where if I make the screen tall but thin it'll scale to show full height of the map or if I make the screen wide but short I can see horizontally everything and just need to scroll up and down.
Or if for some reason that's harder than it should be you could just make the map images smaller.
How do you save?
Are you not able to save through Diary(top right corner icon) > Save?
**1. Web save/load uses browser cookies, which can get cleared. It is not hugely reliable, as well as not likely to be compatible with future web versions, unlike the downloadable version above.
Saving doesn't seem to be possible on the downloaded version
Hi ya. Do you mind telling me what OS are you using?
i cant save pls help
Are you not able to save through Diary(top right corner icon) > Save?
**1. Web save/load uses browser cookies, which can get cleared. It is not hugely reliable, as well as not likely to be compatible with future web versions, unlike the downloadable version above.
First of all thanks for the Game. :)
Then I have a Question about breeding. Since it's the most ''interesting'' part for me i wonder if you only can breed with the 4 monsters that are on the main map ?
1. After that i want to say that that the whole Hunting and Food system is very irritating. I was lucky so get 109 Food through a bug and that made the game much more enjoyable for a short time. I would suggest to either buff the hunting skills of basically everything or just leave the food system out complettly. I've at least spend 20 rounds just on hunting which is no fun.
2. For the invade/battle system i wish you could switch the line up right befor the start of the fight, as far is i know you only can manipulate the line up through the order on which you ad them in the Royal army.
And then i have to say that you created an uniquely sexy Charakter with the Queen. I don't know what it is but i have never seen such a hot virtual charakter.
And then i have to say that you created an uniquely sexy Charakter with the Queen. I don't know what it is but i have never seen such a hot virtual charakter.
Absolutely right!
Haha thanks :)
1) Yea I was trying to implement the negative consequences later after more core features are introduced, but some people wanted some challenge so I went with it. But loading game offer 99 food when you have no food is left, that is a transitional arrangement for now. Not a bug :)
2) It will be an unlockable feature to arrange your line up.
So, first I played 2.08...
I actually skipped 2.10, going directly to this version (3.01). And I'm quite impressed by progress. I really like it and am looking forward for future releases. Trust me, I've never before spent 5+ hours on a flash game before :O
However, I've noticed numerous issues:
- 1) First off, there is a programming error - on Moth encounter, an Inuax is born (on second play Scrapper was, so there is definitely some bigger error). Also, When I reached 5x Dubois, further attempts produce Scrappers. Also, after "bonding" with Cirrus, another Scrapper spawned. I consider this to be a vitally major problem, because well... it's not like player breeds Lilith with a certain species to get a random one :D
- 2) And yes, an aforementioned food supply problem. Even as Dubois gets 3-5 food per hunt, usually 4, that means if we sacrifice an entire round for hunting, and if we are very lucky, the maximum potential food production per round is 25 – which is equal to monster number cap in this respect. However, every hunt costs 30 stamina, while a monster regenerates 20 stamina per round. This means that for every turn in a round we have to have 2 food gathering monsters, which will hunt interchangeably between rounds. The result is that player is forced to have 10x Dubois (after getting 5 of them I started getting Scrappers from breeding Lilith with Dubois [WTF?!]) in order to sustain a 25 unit strong population - and we assume you're getting 5 food from every hunt and spend all turns on hunting only. I comply with former suggestions about creating hunting parties, just like Royal Army is done. Or perhaps being able to add multiple monsters to a single hunt. Bottom line, food economy was a bit hard on economy even before, with added stamina it quickly makes you lose random monsters. Usually it's a freshly born one that is about to mature into the kind of monster you wanted. - really, at my second play, I just kept low pop, bred Dubois only and stockpiled a ton of food before I moved on to breed an army. Though I suspect it won't last for long. Generally, after like 12 units you get bottlenecked on supply.
Correction: With 12 units I'm generally able to keep a positive supply of food, having 4x Dubois. Still, this system could be better. As I consciously have to ommit hunting in order to get rid of monsters that no longer support the immediate tactics.
- 3) Also, dismissing monsters. That would be a major utility, to keep control of food drain, while keeping precisely the monsters you need. At the moment, the only way to get rid of monsters is to starve them. But again, it takes either a random one or „the least loyal one”. Usually a newborn if there is, which is bad. Couple this with point 1) and you're losing the whole strategy in this game, because you get a random monster which you have no way of getting rid of other than getting 0 food.
- 4) Then, I was pleasantly surprised with the addition of "Bonding" feature, but still, it has issues. Primarily, I don't see what monster level gives. I have a lv4 and lv3 Dubois and they seem to have actually lower stats than freshly matured ones. Perhaps level could give an increased stamina regen instead? That actually would make "bonding" feature worthwile. And would be a lot simplier in programming, and as such, less prone to bugs. Because, every monster has different stats so you have to manually set which ones are advanced (unless all are, though +1 for every level is... little, considering they usually have 40-70 points on a trait). Bonding with a certain monster is simply... not economical at all as it is now.
- 5) Also, the Royal Army problem I've seen in reviews on NG (where I originally found your artwork) and had it confirmed in-game – if a monster gets injured in combat, it retains „R” even though it's removed from army. Thus, if it heals, it can never be reassigned anymore.
- 6) Other thing, what I also saw mentioned on NG and support would be a button to immediately return to base without the need of clicking a lot.
- 7) Round counter. It counts from round 99 downward, eventually reaching negative values. The system from 2.08 was better, counting from round 1 upward (as far as I remember). Unless, well, this is a WIP time limit.
- 8) Army size. I've noticed that after conquering neighboring territories, the next ones have 9 or 10 enemy units, and further ones probably more and/or higher tier ones. It remains to be seen, but I suspect it's an unwinnable situation in current release. Seeing the combat „tutorial” above, I notice that this army size will probably increase (queen nest upgrade?)
And these are my thoughts and notes so far. Anyway, keep up the good job. It looks absolutely promising :)
Thank you so much for playing and offering detailed feedback. Many great insights. I am still putting out more features, there will be answers for many of these worries. And you are on point on the benefits from increased relationship level and traits. That one I am still tweaking a bit. But stay tune!
Then again, I'll address a point made on the previous review by Untamed Brave Sophung about
- 9) tutorials. The game is a bit confusing initially after the end of prologue. Perhaps it would be good to expand "Knowledge" feature with another "Step by step" feature for players who prefer more detailed tutorials. Also, at the start, after Lilith gets banished, perhaps a dialogue option to show or not show tips.
- 10) There is also a problem with Cirrus' special power. Every heart takes 3 sec to consume, while its' spawn time is 16 secs. 6x3=18, so player might not have time to feed a Cirrus enough before it spawns, unless it's coupled in a squad with another monster and/or at the back of a queue. I agree that it's power is quite strong, but definitely not worth 6 hearts, since it requires Cirrus to get damaged first and so, the speed buff is shorthanded. As far as I've seen, all enemies have 1 or 2 heart cost on their abilities and they are quite powerful for such a low cost. Which actually negates the player getting heart acquisition buff, because enemy can still arm all their units with specials (2 hearts for reflecting 60% of damage received is very, very powerful, just as complete invulnerability to intelligence class attacks).
- 11) Also, the encyclopedia: I suggest introducing a script that would update monster database as they are scouted and/or Lilith encounters and then knows more about them. The monsters present in Secret Garden would be vaguely described at start, but others would be "Unknown", then "Unidentified" once terrain is scouted, then a name and picture appears once Lilith encounters them. Then its lore and battle characteristics would be expanded upon bonding, as Lilith gains more insight about that particular species (perhaps bonding with certain species would actually unlock special power for the entire species?). The ones not introduced yet into the game would better be named "Absent". For this, I propose expanding battle stats in Encyclopedia by "Prey" (enemy hard countered by a monster) and "Nemesis" (enemy that hard counters a monster) - which would be updated once that monster encounters its prey or nemesis in battle.
- 12) And speaking about outlines also mentioned by Untamed Brave Sophung I think it's also a good idea. I imagine it (coupling it with Encyclopedia idea above) as follows: Upon entering an unscouted region, you have no outliners - you have to scout it first. Then, after scouting, an outline appears where an unidentified (or identified if already encountered) was spotted with an overlaying text "Unidentified Tentacle Monster spotted in this area", then after identifying a monster, its image and name appears within the outline. If you scout when already having the monster encountered before, an image and name appears immediately, without the "unidentified" message.
- 13) It is also weird for me that Lilith can explore freely in an enemy-occupied region. Perhaps it would be better to restrict "Explore" feature to owned regions. I know that they contain more powerful monsters which actually are vital to defeating 7-8 numbered enemy armies, so perhaps those regions could have smaller enemy population to give player an easier start.
- 14) Automatic squad assignment is bad. The game usually couples one species with another that I want solo or moves a defensive unit into backline, making my offensive ones take the brunt of attack. It would be a lot better if player could assign monsters to squads manually. Perhaps an expansion upon Royal Army tab? Like you are at Royal Army and in the bottom left corner you have a "Squads" button. When you click on it, you have tabs like Squad T3, Squad T2, Squad T1, Squad B1, Squad B2, Squad B3, from top to bottom, each with "manage" button to the left and "Royal Army" button in the bottom left corner to return. Or if a player wants auto squad assignment, there'd be a toggle that would enable or gray out "Squads" tab.
You are the first one who is willing to talk about the battle ^O^ I play quite a bit dota, getting people to talk about my balance feels excited!
9) I haz a mouse over knowledge section for each feature in the newer version.
10) Feeding a heart takes 2 secs, so 6 hearts in 16 secs is feasible but needs to be quick. The way I try to design it is bit inspired by dota, in terms of risk management. I want a species to be viable in only a certain situation. Some abilities are somewhat unstoppable when the condition is right. I need to make sure it costs a bit or else it would be a solution for everything. But I agree that the monster reflecting 60% is getting a good deal XD I will tweak it a bit once we have more challenging enemies.
11, 12) Those are great suggestions. I am seriously considering them.
13) That was the original design. I still intend to do it after we have enough features introduced.
14) Yes, managing our own squads would be the most ideal. I want to keep it as an unlockable feature though.
Thank you for the awesome suggestions and feedback again.
Actually, I thought about a little expansion to 12): after scouting, outliners would not be shown as well. However, on a strategic map, you'd get an "Unidentified monster spotted". Then, you could explore the region (since only Secret Garden monsters would initially be in encyclopedia, Lilith does not know which part of the region a monster inhabits), thus no outliners - or perhaps just outliners without any information. Once Lilith found a skin an outliner would show up with text "Unidentified Tentacle Monster confirmed in this area". If she experienced an encounter first, the image and name would immediately appear.
About 10): yes, it is feasible. However, for a monster that does show up late and has a tendency to match other monsters in squad (at least in my playthroughs), which prolongs its appearance even more, and the cost of 6 hearts... its special power is far too weak. Especially considering its basic combat value which is at comparable level with enemy tier 1 monsters - as far as I remember, an arthropod locust-looking monster, which is T1, still beats Cirrus, which is not only T4, but also of the same class. I don't play dota... though I play a lot of LoL and I agree that low-risk high-power characters area menace, still if they are high-risk low-power, nobody uses them. I once or twice managed to feed that Cirrus all 6 hearts, but they turned up to be a waste of resource, since well - the bonus is not only costly, but (like I wrote before) also short-handed. I think there are stronger rewards that cost less, like atk speed debuff on Scrapper that costs mere 2 hearts. Does almost the same, but doesn't need your monster to be low on health. Actually, there is a champion in LoL, Olaf, that has a passive very similar to Cirrus (atk speed based on missing health) - trust me, if they added a highly risky timed quest to activate it, he'd be completely unplayable. In my opinion, an ability like this is worth 4 hearts tops. Bottom line, this monster is highly risky with a far too weak reward to back up the risk. I would understand such risk on a nuker (that tier 4 unit of silvans - costs 4 hearts (+50% movement speed and 3x damage on hit [60, which can almost instantly kill some monsters])), but not really on a berserker - a single ranged unit on the backline is enough to put a stop to it quickly. If it also decreased damage received based on missing health, now that would be worth... 5 hearts. Still not 6. Remember that software already has an advantage over player in terms of reacting to the fact that it already has an another heart to feed the army. Tell you what. Try to add a unit with the same characteristics and power (and cost) in an enemy army. And let's see if the computer actually uses it (and, as it would be forced to play at least some of these units, if it can win). Because in terms of economy and stats comparison, the machine will always be better - we can only estimate, they work on exact values (Ok, if I sit down, and write the stats down before I hit "Battle", I can probably do the same, but that would take another 30-60 minutes to calculate, which I'd much rather spend watching some tentacle making love to Lilith :D ). Bottom line, the machine will always take the most efficient way to use its units. In other way, it will have already tested all possible combinations and chosen the one that takes it closest to victory. Since, if it does not arm a Cirrus-like unit with heart upgrade, it means it's not worth the resource.
- 15) Give some early ranged unit to Silvans. My 8-strong army is destroying their 10-strong armies at first attempt XD
BTW: What does actually Agility stand for? Because in current release, though attack and HP are self explanatory, agility is not explained. Atk speed? Chance to dodge an attack?
- 16) Garrisons: Since every time I use "Rest" feature, I get message saying that enemies might make their move, I conclude that in future versions enemies will be able to reconquer territories, right? If so, then I suggest allowing player to garrison regions with monsters from the pool, with max capacity equal to max capacity of Royal Army (or perhaps a different cap based on nest upgrades?). Garrisons would fend for themselves (eg, would not constitute a drain upon player's food supply) and if territory is invaded, a battle between AIs would occur in the background (player will only get notified of result). If there is no garrison, enemy attack would automatically trigger a manual battle between invaders and Royal Army (monsters in Royal Army would not lose stamina during defense).
- 17) Battle experience: In addition to relationship level, I suggest putting up a battle level. Every battle would give a monster a certain amount of XP, with levels from 0 to 3 (like in C&C Generals - Veteran, Elite, Heroic). Every level would result in 10% increase of base battle stats. Tentacles would gain 1.5x XP if they win against enemy with one more unit and 2x if 2+ more units.
- 18) Monster suggestion:
Name: Membra
Tier 4
In terms of traits, a slightly upgraded Dubois, but with ability to forage for 6-8 food instead of 3-5.
Class: Speed
Habitat: Mountains (also considering something new: Adaptive-Migrational)
Appearance: Slightly resembles a lizard-cat hybrid, silvery or dark-gray hue and emerald-green eyes. Membranous tail and lots of small tentacles and one big on its back. (
can draw if you approveactually did draw it [don't mind lack of light-shade, it's still wip]: http://tinypic.com/r/23lld93/9)HP: 90
ATK: 15
AGI: 105 (until I know just how and what Agility affects, hard to extrapolate an accurate value)
Special: On attack, causes enemy to bleed for 5 HP/sec over 10 seconds (renewable but not stackable). Cost: 3 hearts.
Spawn time: 9 sec
Mating behavior: Vaginal. Methodical, distrustful attitude (changes along the course of bonding). Ties Lilith back-to-back with small tentacles across belly and neck, then mates her with the big one. Its mating tendril secretes endodermal absorbing euphoric, granting females an intense sensual experience.
Haha thank you for the awesome suggestions. Allow me to keep it short so I can rush out the new update.
12) I will expand on your suggestion and polish the feature in the future.
10) Keep in mind that we will have more monsters in the future that could benefit greatly with each other. Some could provide crazy sustain and render some situation difficult to balance. Tiers represent mainly their strength in battle effects.
15) Haha thank you for reminding me to explain Agi. It is used for calculating miss chance. Each 1% difference indicates a percent of miss chance. I will put this in battle tips.
16,17,18) Interesting suggestions! I will keep them in mind. What I wish more is some mating pose ideas. We have like 50~60 species, and it is sometimes difficult to come up with some creative motion and pose for everyone, that is also fitting of their respective themes.
What about a feature that tells us the creatures we made by bonding and how to create them so we won't create them again like for instance Myrmidon+Myrmidon+Myrmidon=Myrmidon something like that would be nice.
I have never hit the donate button so fast before. Have been looking so long for a lewd adventure game focused on breeding AND including pregnancy mechanics and a moderately elaborate in-game world mechanics. This game, thus, surpasses Breeding Season/Cloudy Meadow in regards to what tropes and ideas I really, really wanted in this kind of game.
As the game is still in early alpha stages, it goes without saying that the art still have a few ways to go and the UI is yet to be polished, so I'll give a few feedbacks and suggestions regarding other aspects:
1-Exploration Life Quality: when the player is viewing a location, it would be nice if clickable parts of the landscape where already indicated as such or where highlighted from the background, just so to prevent some minor "pixel hunting" and to prevent new players from getting confused as to where they should click on. Also, when Exploring somewhere you have already explored before, the game could give display a few tooltips to remind the player of what he can find in the area the mouse is hovering over, as well as some information on the area.
2-Strategic Information: it is much appreciated that game doesn't handhold the player with patronizing tutorials nor leaves the player to their own devices with minimal static tutorials, as well as the fact that the game trickles mechanics and actions in so the player is not overwhelmed with choices early on, but nevertheless I still had a slightly hard time figuring out what to do and how to plan ahead my actions. For instance, how do I know which Monsters are better for hunting or for being in my army? How do I know the possible risks and rewards of my actions? How do I know what kind of Monster I gave birth to? How do I know what exactly "Bonding" does and why it requires me to click somewhere on the map? I could use the game giving me some information to aid me on deciding what to do and hinting me on the game mechanics.
3-Instant Texts: I am a very fast reader, to the point I can read the text faster than it is slowly displayed. This causes me to just keep clicking the mouse to make the message fully display and then to continue the text. This is a bit annoying. I think there should be an option to make texts display instantly in dialogues.
4-Turn/Round Cycles: instead of making a Round be a "budget" of Turns the player can take, you could convert the Turn/Road cycle to a Day/Night cycle in which each Turn takes a portion of the cycle (kinda like Persona games, for instance), and put a button on the GUI to wait out a Turn to make all Monsters rest to regain some Stamina. This way, you can reuse the Stamina mechanics and let the player be able to continuously take actions if he can afford it, instead of forcing an awkward pacing where the player has to keep going in and out of the base to Rest after spurs of only a handful of actions.
5- Flash's life is a flash in a pan: Flash has long been a very clunky development environment for games and inefficient plataform for larger games, and it is only a short time away from being discontinued and rendered completely obsolete. This game's release can be mired by Flash's limitations as it becomes become asset intensive or more involved mechanics are developed. I suggest you look for other game engines to develop the game on, such as Unity3D, Game Maker or Multimedia Fusion. Unity3D is the better option if you want to make the game be playable on a browser.
6-Better Hunting: maybe you could allow the player to select multiple Monsters to go hunting so to bring back more food. After all, having to order hunts one-by-one gets a bit annoying after a while. The same applies, in part, to many other actions that are likely to be taken many times over in one Round.
Feedbacks aside, I really, realy, really look forward for the next updates. I'm a game developer and artist as well so if you need any help, don't feel shy on asking me anything.
Your words too kind! All the inputs are really on point~ Thank you for taking your time to not only try my game, but also offer such valuable feedback. Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/M4vN5qy
This is a really great game. One of the best i have ever played and it has so much potential. Please keep it up :). I found only 2 things that really bothered me and those are:
1- Going all the way back to home for resting is annoying because you do that through the game like 100 times and doing it over and over kinda annoyed me.
2-Hunting is boring af. I mean being cautious about your food stock every day to not to fuck up is cool i think it makes the game challenging but i think you made a really boring way to stock up food.
It's still a great game i think and it's new so im sure you will put really good stuff I will keep checking it out thanks for making this.
Thank you for the kind words~
1. I hear you, I have plan for a feature to help us saves some clicks.
2. There are features coming up that offer us more options to gather food.
I am focusing all my time on training our new recruits right now, but it shouldn't take long before I get back into dev mode ^^
I really like the concept and am looking forward to seeing how this game progresses.
Thanks mate~
Thanks for making it avaliable =)
Thank you for trying it~