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I unfortunately lost my save file. Are there any console commands or something that I can use to cheat tentacles back into the game?

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lol u have the same problem like me.. XD

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to Master Nono i have a problem, after save the game when i try to load it back and it got crash after i restarted and then i can't load it again :'( pls help me! I've got so many monster!! i don't want to lose them again.. 

Sorry for my poor english.

Hmm sorry to hear that. But I am not sure what is your problem, because even with the game crashing, it wont erase the save.

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I found that the game will encounter error and fail to respond if bonding tentacles higher than Lv20 (to activate some new scene). This happened to multiple tentacles to me (Nodder, Dolphy, Oturo, etc.)

But u still can load ur save again?

Okay thanks, will investigate.

Yea, sometimes it might be tricky though, but as long as you figure out where the save file actually is, and where it should be to be properly loaded, it shouldn't be a problem.

Do you know where's the save file??

home directory for flash savings is something like

C:\Users\[user account name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\

Then followed by your path to the game

ok i found it but how to load it?


Will you make more scenes with heels? or at least one foot with heel to meet the taste of both "naked feet" and "heels" >_< Thanks!


Whenever possible, as long as the stories allow it.

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any recommended app to open/play/save this game on Mac?


Hello. Have you considered adding keyboard shortcuts to the game. If they happen to exit, where could I check them? I was especially interested for a shortcut to get to the home tile on the map.


Hi everyone,I need help !idk why but dialogue text didn't show up when I try to conquer the octopus.i wonder there's out there have a same problem ?

Ohh btw it's really a good game.good job for the creator

Dialogue didn't show because that "story" hasn't been added to the game yet. The Octoseal and at least half a dozen others don't have completely finished scenes, so you'll have a bunch that will do that with placeholder text till they get added.


when will new update be


Probably in late April or early may

Hehe, great guess.


This looks good, but it's so sad that it's flash


how do you make a tentacle injured? I can't progress the instinct unless I can nurse something, which you cant do if they aren't injured.

I know hunting says they have a chance to be injured but it hasn't worked, even after sending out tentacles with low camouflage and senses to hunt many times.

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Hmm, hunting with the same monster many times should get it done. Monsters will get injured once their stamina is used up. 
If it doesn't work, it could be a bug. Let me know in that case.


Hi everyone
Where is the Tentacles Thrive v4 06 Savegame Folder?

Now anyone where i can find the the savegame folder?
The location on the pc.
I have a few problems : when I try to save the game Tentacles Thrive v4 06 " the game doesn't save them " :(


Try our fan made wiki and see if it helps:

I kept checking the same Thanks

Other error  is showing up


is there a cheat for unlimited turns


what is that ?


Why do downloads always fail?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

probably your computer cant handle them or you have something interfering with them, some apps can do that. and theres aways the possibility you have a virus. or maybe your computer is just too old and you need a new 1.

Deleted 4 years ago
(2 edits)

Many thanks vapp1asur! It is a confirmed bug. It was fixed in the newer version.

Deleted 4 years ago

for some reason i get this bug no matter what territory i take (version 4_06) :O


Me too







when will 4.06 be out. And where did Master go he disapired?

Its out :P

When will you release the next update atleast gove us a hint about upcoming update

I usually release them every month. 

Is the game supposed to open on a Flash Projector window?

Also, I can't save the game; it says that the game is saved, but no save file is created and when I reopen the game the Load button does nothing.

Great game, btw. Really enjoyed it.

Managed to fix the saving issue; I put the game in a folder on my Desktop, and now the save function works. No idea why it didn't before, though.

I tested the smartphone version.
This game is excellent.
However on Android we are limited.
We can't create tentacle clothes, we don't have access to all instincts, we don't have access to secret endings.
If anyone knows the latest version on android, I am interested because my computer is in repair at the moment.

What "smartphone version" are you talking about? There is no such thing here, you might have played someone else's android port.

I went to the wiki and saw that the feeding system is "in the future"?

So I can only feed my Dubious' sexual hunger not his actual hunger?

Hehe, well you can use items, including food through Bonding now.


Nigga you telling me that my characters pussy is now food?

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I really enjoyed this game. And can you add a feature that we change dress of Lilith and select another dress or make her naked in the game because she is always wearing the same dress which I found a little boaring and also can u add some more scenes and also an option to disable audio within the game and also make the saved data compatable with the upcoming version. Overall I loved the game and also improve some graphics and bugs. After sometime i will surely donate money for your work 

Thank you for the kind words mate. Saves work for downloaded versions. Web version wise, the save is there but as I have answered before, it takes a bit of work to get it to work.

how to get it work, can I do that in my pc

List of bugs/performance issues encountered in last patch:

-Repeating some scenes through bonding will cause game to get stuck by popping a "clickable dialog lilith" but not allowing the scene to actually happen

-Repeating some scenes through bonding will cause game to get stuck for about 10 seconds, then will continue normaly. Every monster without a storyline after third bonding will have this problem as well

-Skin disapears from inventory after game restart if placed in the item to craft and save the game

-Oysters can be used but this will not consume the oyster

-Not sure if intended but some species show happy mood yet if you bond with them they will get tired

-Sometimes when you free just 2 monsters in a turf bottom panel buttons disapear, can be fixed by opening the species booklet. Doesn't happen with 1, 3 or 4

Comments, ideas, recomendations, doubts

-100% sure women dont have a prostate (sexual dimorphism) so it fees weird to read some of the scenes. Yes they are 70% of what makes the game immersive, therefore more enjoyable

-Maybe add a skip button for secret memories replay?

-Maybe add a note to which items are useless in the current patch

-Myrmidon's last choice feels inverted between hi and low rewards

-Maybe include scenes unocked through in the queens nest, might help to keep attention raised and using the nest more apealing whe it is used just to grind for a monster unlock

-Fluid animations, competent writing, enjoyable mechanics, overall great work. Congratullations, keep the awesome work!!!

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Wow, thank you so much IIebocat! Best tester ever~

And thank you for trying the game ^O^

 Just doing what I can to help the project. Since it is complicated for me to contribute directly with cash because #thirdworldcountry I'll do my best to contribute in other ways. Besides, I am having a lot of fun with the game :)

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Awww, you are too kind!

I have a Mac, so I cannot use the download version of the game (as far as I can tell; I downloaded both files, but I couldn't manage to play them).  I have only been playing online.

Since the game updated from v3 to v4, my saved file no longer works; it seems that online files only work with the version they were made with, meaning that (if I'm correct) my current online file will stop working when the game is updated from v4 to v5.


My question is this:

Is there a way for Macs to run this game from the downloaded files, and/or is there a known release date for the v5? 

I don't ask this to pressure MasterNono (the progress has been amazing) but to find out when the "deadline" is for my online file, if that "deadline" is known.

(4 edits)

I appreciate you trying the game. Unfortunately I don't have the equipment nor time to address all potential problems for all platforms, so my focus is gonna be on Windows only.

As for web version, we can actually reuse the save, but it is a bit complicated. This is an location on Windows:

itch save location (Firefox):
C:\Users\[user account name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[RANDOM
LETTERS]\\itchio\upload2\game\[RANDOM LETTERS]

We have to copy and paste the save into new version's folder in order to reuse it. I think this is too complicated for most players so I don't broadly advertise it. But it is possible.

I really enjoy this game and look forward to future updates.  The two problems I'm having right now is saving, and figuring out how to encounter other tentacles.  I mean, I can explore different regions, but I can only seem to encounter 1 tentacle per certain regions, and then none in other regions.  I really want to get a Cirrus, but am having problems encountering one.  I also don't understand how the breeding with multiple tentacles to get a new one works.  There is no option for that when I play, and I do not know how to get those options.  I think there needs to be more of a tutorial about how to do this, or some more detail written into the fan wiki in order for users who are having problems to understand.

If it wasn't for those two things, I would have no problems playing this game all day long.  I just don't have the patience to figure out what I don't understand and can't do.  Keep up the good work though!  I still want to see what future updates are.

Thank you for playing the game^^

There are question marks on each feature once you click in, which offer tips on how they work.

I will think about how to further simplify things...


Great game, but I seem to be having trouble saving progress. I can get to the save screen fine, I click the save button and (after a popup depending on what format I'm using) it confirms that I've saved my game. Then, if I go back to the main menu and press load, the button does nothing.

I've tried a range of fixes, but the problem persists across chrome (incog and normal mode), .exe file (administrator and normal), and .swf (administrator and normal.) Anyone else having this issue?

What version of game are you playing? 

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The latest download, 4.05 . If I recall, the previous versions didn't give me any trouble with the saves, it's something about the newest patch. The issue also persists through reinstalls.

Did some more digging: the download have the same problem on another computer, but on the desktop regular chrome works.


this is so great, adore your work please continue.

great art and cg too yaay, i just hope it will be available for macs after the flash is gone cuz it's nearly futile to download as it doesn't open or unzip...

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Please can you make eyes in skill menu bigger/more noticeable, because I have Xiaomi Redmi 7 A, and eye and zone where it activates by a finger tap is too little, so it's not only hard to noice this In the beginning, but it's hard to access to. At least it's my experience, maybe it's only on my shitty phone. 

I have to say the game only supports mainly windows...

Oh, then it must've been a portable version created by fans. My apologies. Just notice this, when game will be officially ported.

where can i find the save file?

Local save location:

First narrow down the scope by going to this directory. **(See how to unhid AppData folder if you have it hidden:
C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[Random Number]\localhost

Though you don't have to find the save file. Visit our fan made wiki on How do I reuse my save file?

How do you transfer save files in exe from 4.04 to 4.05

nvm i missed a step, the wiki page is a life saver

Why there is no birth animation?

This is one of the best games Tentacles Thrive around here and one of my favorites.

chido xD

why is there no sound in new mating scenes 

Our VA Milky was sick last month, so there was no recording. The voice work are implemented in the new version(v4.06).

Hope she gets better <3

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Thank you for your kind word~ She has gotten better.

That's good to know. Glad she's okay.

Anyone figure out how to save using the download flash file?

Is it possible to download a save-file to my computer directly from the online version of the game? 

I have a mac, so I cannot open the download version of the game (.swf files are Windows-only), and online saves do not always work, which is why I ask.

Thank you very much for any reply!

when will v4.05 be out i cant wait longer



I'm waiting for  steam           Tentacles Thrive 


what happened to the queens nest, twas the best way to mix species and get new ones... was also pretty amusing to watch... PLEASE RE-ADD IT

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Queen's Nest is designed to be Slime Eye's benefit. You have to get one to Lv14 to unlock it.

oki, thank you

keep up the amazing work

omg thank you so much i have been trying so hard trying to re-unlock it

If anyone wants to play this game on android check it out on they have converted it for android

How to play this on android??

The game is not yet available for android version

(1 edit)

Yaya. Some people play it with Puffin, but I have not officially tested it.

Download from

But u can't save if u use the apk unless uve found a way then Id love to hear it :D

I can't figure out how to feed my tentacles. Like half of them are hungry, but I don't know how to feed them.

Bonding > Use items

In which version the new enemy territory will open

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